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Dear Secret Santa

The Gift From Santa

Sakshi Joshi
Sakshi Joshi Emotions

Dear Secret Santa,

I don’t know who you are, but thank you so much for keeping my faith intact.

Sometimes, small things that come in the form of spiritual signs can keep you going.

At the moment, when I wasn’t feeling my best and everything around seemed chaotic, the doorbell rang. And there it was. The gift from my Secret Santa!

Who doesn’t like gifts? We all do. But this was a gift directly sent from God as a spiritual sign for my emotional and mental state at that particular time to show me that I’m not alone in this. The universe is always by my side.

So, basically my Secret Santa was a medium to make me feel better, when the situation was out of control.

Thank you Universe for being kind to me and blessing me with unbeatable strength.

Thank you for all the wisdom you provide in the form of situations that I face everyday.

Right when I thought I'd fall hard, the Universe lifted me up with a very small act done with great love.

Dear God, your love is definitely reaching me. Thank you for all the divinity.

Have you ever encountered divinity in the form of spiritual signals in your life? If yes, feel free to share it in the comments below. Because, the more we share, the more we spread divinity around.